Friday Evening June 4:


After an absence of two days, practising resumed this evening with all classes champing at the bit on the eve of the first two races. A major difference this time is that it is the final practice only for riders in the Formula One. The remaining solos will have practising after racing tomorrow, Monday and Wednesday. The sidecars also have a further session on Monday.

Plans for the 2005 TT were unveiled today by TT race committee chairman David Cretney MHK. The Formula One, 125cc Ultra Lightweight, 400cc Lightweight and 600cc Production races have been dropped. In their place comes a TT Superbike race and an additional 600cc race. The main Superbike race will be over six laps and the Senior TT will also revert to six laps. So the 2005 programme will contain five solo and two sidecar races.

John McGuinness electrified Wednesday evening’s session with the unofficial 127.34mph breaking of the outright TT Course lap record set in 2002. Within the same practice, he also got inside the Junior record set last year. In the sidecar class, Dave Molyneux and Dan Sayle broke the 1999 lap record during Tuesday’s practice.

Conditions were good, if a little overcast, and first off after a delay of five minutes while some spilt oil at the top of Bray Hill was attended to were the riders who will start first in tomorrow’s Formula One – Adrian Archibald and Ian Lougher.

Archibald intended doing two laps and was first back through, but Lougher wasn’t far behind and pulled in for yet more front fork adjustments. Bruce Anstey seemed as relaxed as ever and in no rush but Shaun Harris was keen to try for three laps including trying the Harold Eckl ex-WSB 750cc Kawasaki after a first lap on the ZX10. He arrived back in the paddock with seconds to go but failed to get through the gate seconds after the five-past-seven cut-off. He was able to grab his 125 instead.

Ryan Farquhar was still in quite a lot of pain as he wrestled with the big McAdoo Kawasaki, his right wrist continuing to give gip after his quad bike spill a few weeks ago.

Maria Costello’s Suzukis seemed to be behaving and she was seen chatting amiably to former TT star and ex-clerk of the course Jack Wood. The latter was not averse to a quick pose with the blonde model!

Richard Britton seemed little the worse for his crash at the Creg the other night, and “traded in” his Formula One Suzuki earlier than necessary to take out his 1000 Production mount.

Robert Dunlop was philosophical about the dropping of the 125 class after this year, simply saying he would have to make sure he was the last winner into the history books. Trouble for him is that Chris Palmer, Ian Lougher and Co. are all saying the same.

“Big H” Paul Hunt gave Kevin Cringle apoplexy when he halted the big Suzuki out on the course, but fears of an all-nighter for the mechanics proved unfounded when it was learned it had only been a precautionary halt when the cabin warning light came on.

Talking of lights, more than one or two riders are seeing them – not the Northern Lights but the Snaefell version as the fuel warnings are coming on disturbingly early, giving rise to the very real possibility of the more thirsty machines having to be filled up every lap At £4-a-gallon too!.